




Prokon有限责任公司, a 建设 and project management subsidiary of Nobel Oil Services, announced the appointment of Ogun Sancaklı as the General Director in January 2017.  

Mr. sanakli在能源行业的工程和项目管理方面拥有20多年的经验. He had worked internationally across 俄罗斯, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and 阿塞拜疆.  

Mr. Sancakli started his career in 1993 as an engineer and site manager, 在GAMA的多个职位上工作, and advanced to project management positions with Petronas, Technip和Ilk Insaat. He has additionally managed projects in conjunction with MMHE, KNM, 以及苏门答腊岛公司, 马来西亚, 梅尔哈夫, 以色列, GC, 日本和贝特曼, 美国. 2011年,他加入阿塞拜疆甲醇公司,并利用他的建筑专业知识管理AzMeCo甲醇炼油厂的建设.  

Along with his career in different companies, Mr. Sancakli founded HICC (the Heavy Industry and Construction Company), and has since been responsible for completing projects across 俄罗斯, 阿塞拜疆, 格鲁吉亚和土耳其. Successful projects of HICC include SOCAR Black Sea and Poti Methanol Terminals in Georgia, Gunashli DDO-4 Oil and Gas Platform in Baku, 阿塞拜疆, 土耳其科尼亚风力涡轮机农场, Global Story Engineering PVC Plant in Nijninovgorod, 俄罗斯, 等.                                                                                                    

Mr. Sancakli has a BA in Mechanical Engineering from Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey.